Children and Teen Therapy
We understand that finding a therapist for your Child or Teen can be a struggle, and we work to be able to be that additional resource you need.
Some of the issues our therapists can help your Child or Teen work through are:
High Anxiety
Academic Issues
Suicidality/Self-Harm Behaviors
Relational Issues with Family
Impulsive Decisions
Substance Use
Understanding Healthy Sexuality
Abrupt Mood Swings
Motivation Difficulties

Individual Support
We work with our younger clients to give them the Individual Support they need. Our therapists are able to meet with clients consistently and provide a safe space they can work through whatever may be going on in school, friends, or home life. ​
Some of the Individual Support may look like
Play Therapy
Parent Support
We understand being a parent is hard! Our therapists work with you to help you feel confident that you know how to set clear boundaries and communicate your needs in a healthy way. Studies have shown when a child is having issues it actually is MORE beneficial to have the parent receive therapy, and we like to make sure we support your role.
Parent Support may look like
Meeting with your child's therapists for some one-one-one work
Identifying parenting styles and how to communicate needs
Identifying any additional supports you and your child may need
Family Support
No matter how your family is made up we want to support you. Often when we are dealing with children/teens we realize that it would be beneficial to have more support for the family as a whole. These types of resources are beneficial to guide the family in their common goals, and support one another.
Family Support may look like
Meeting with the therapists working with your family and discussing what needs should be addressed
Meeting as a family to identify common goals and ways that you can process those together
Identifying tasks to accomplish in and outside of the therapy office to help strengthen relationships and help with establishing trust.