Clergy/Religious Pay Policies
Bishop Pay/3rd Party Pay through religious organizations
We understand a number of our clients receive their funding through their LDS Bishop or other religious funding. We want to outline what that process looks like and inform you of the policies that go along with that.
Intake Process
All clients who come in for an Intake appointment are asked if they will be paid through religious contributions. If this is the case we then require the client to sign a Release of Information so that the therapist may speak to the Clergy member about the number of treatments and the cost of therapy. If the client wishes the therapist to discuss additional things with their Clergy member we will review that with the client to ensure confidentiality.
We will not be sharing therapeutic information with Clergy members without expressed permission from the client (as outlined in the Release of Information).
Initial discussion with the religious leader

After receiving the Release of Information we then contact the religious leader. In that discussion we outline:
The cost of sessions
The Treatment Plan of how often we recommend the client come to therapy
How to make payments to Xenia Counseling
Answer any questions they have about the therapy process-this will be about therapy in general unless outlined by the client that they give permission to address specific issues with their Leader
Things to be aware of
We want our clients to be aware of a few things when we work with them and their religious leader:
We do not make the initial contact to the religious leader about them providing for the cost of therapy. That is something between you and your leader and we ask you make the initial contact about availability of funds.
All 3rd Party Pay clients are expected to have a personal card on file to be used for late cancellations/no-shows. This is not the responsibility of the religious leader to pay.
We will work with the religious leader to have payment statements sent so they can pay on time. If at any point the religious leader withdraws approval to use funds the client will be expected to pay the remaining balance. We understand that things can happen unexpectedly and will try to work with the client to best support them in these instances.
3 Session Policy:
To help clients be up to date in their Statements and not incur too large of debt, and to pay our Therapists promptly, we have instituted a 3 session policy.
If a client's account has 3 sessions (or a total of $450) that is not paid we will do the following:
-Schedule a session (4th session) with the client to review safety planning and discuss means to pay therapy Statements in full. This will be up to the discretion of the Directors in communication with the Therapist.
-Pause all sessions until payment has been received.
*If client is being paid by a 3rd party (Bishop or Ward Pay), we will work with the client to communicate to the 3rd party for the payment.